本文发布于: 2019-07-27 02:47 星期六           QQ群:680585334



Run the installer or extract the latest zip release. The NSIS installer cannot be used on non-Windows OS but the files inside the zip-archive run fine under Mono. The program requires several .mix files from the original games. These include:

  • ra2.mix
  • language.mix
  • theme.mix (or their TS equivalents)

If the original game is installed under Microsoft Windows the location of these files will be found in the registry, but under Mono you have to specify their location on the command line.

The program depends on a software-only OpenGL renderer named Mesa. This approach was chosen to maximize compatibility on systems that have no window manager, such as on remote desktop sessions or on headless servers. This dependency is fulfilled on Windows by shipping the OpenGL32.dll and osmesa.dll files. On *nix systems the package libosmesa-7.11.2 or newer needs to be installed.


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