本文发布于: 2020-07-21 13:11 星期二           QQ群:680585334



This map is made by [YF]_Revive, 
copyright statement: anyone can copy and play in game,
However, it is not allowed to modify this map!
(In order not to mess with the version). 

(Others: Carrier aircraft [HORNET] code provided by VS ini)

From the initial version to the current version,
 I paid more than 1000 hours of working time .
This project started in 2015 and has undergone many tests and rework.

Today I released beta test version (ver1.28),
This version requires more Online play tests.
Please leave a message in this article,
Tell me bug, thank you!

This year’s Final Version (1.28)

If you find a bug, please tell me in the forum.

2020-07-07  Final Version 1.28


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