本文发布于: 2022-08-23 15:39 星期二           QQ群:680585334



Briefing=Always imitated,Never surpasseEvery masterpiece has its cheap copy*


@@~BattleFortress Survival ShowOff-Extreme-Plus~ 战斗要塞防守模式加强版

@@–Crates Appear ON , Short Game OFF– 箱子打开,快速游戏关闭

@-Allied MCV deploy to War Factories-盟军基地展开后是战车工厂

@-Soviet MCV deploy to Iron Curtain-苏军基地展开后是铁幕装置

@-Yuri MCV deploy to Barracks-尤里基地车展开后是兵营

@@–Super Weapon–超武设置

@-Spot2=Nuclear Missile Silo-2号位核弹

@-Spot3=Psychic Dominator-3号位心灵控制

@-Spot4=Weather Controller-4号位闪电风暴

@-Spot5=Nuclear Missile Silo-5好位核弹

@@~Total number of units over 51,no more units out of the crate~超过51个单位后,宝箱不会再给作战单位


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