本文发布于: 2022-09-01 13:47 星期四           QQ群:680585334

【红警2尤里的复仇地图】 Snarks塔防拓展版

Welcome to Snarks Third Tower Defense Expanded Version!!@@Put AI on spot 1@@Defend the Lax structure at all costs!!@@Make money sturctures to make money@@There are levels of money structures (See if u can reach ultimate money for a challenge!!)@@Hover your mouse over structures too see what they are@@All towers attack land and air units@@There are versions of this map for up to 7 players@@If you have not tried my first and second tower defense maps you should start with them, they are much easier@@Good Luck!! and have fun!! visit www.ra2.club get more ra2 resource!

作者是歪果仁Author=Snark Tested By Johnson,十分用心制作的一张图,建筑有油井的效果可以给钱,解锁更高级的建筑给的钱也更多,多赚钱买防御,保护中间建筑,开始钱比较少,可以靠空降的恐怖分子消灭小兵,后期还可以出超时空传送工程师占领油井和伞兵站,也可以出铁幕,4名玩家需要合理的配合协助才能通关,前期比较简单,但会越来越难,就像温水煮青蛙,千万不要小看这张图的难度!!



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